The Importance of Brand Guidelines

If you aren’t sure what brand guidelines are(referred to as a style guide also) you aren’t alone. Unless you’re in the marketing and design industries it may well go over your head, perhaps your designer may have asked if you have brand guidelines you can send them. They are absolute gold to a designer as they show a roadmap for your brand.

Let’s start by explaining what they are

Brand guidelines are your brand bible so to speak. They should contain everything that is crucial to your brand including image or photography style, fonts and usage, colour palettes, minimum logo size reproduction and other design elements you use consistently in your marketing.

Why are they important?

If you work with a lot of agencies or your marketing material is produced elsewhere they are crucial to have in your toolbox and ensure you supply them to anyone who needs your branding for advertising.

One thing that is drummed into your head in marketing and branding is consistency is key, this is the base foundation of a brand or style guide to ensure everything related to your brand remains consistent. By remaining consistent with your look and feel your brand becomes more recognisable over time and can start or build on trust with your consumer.

By having these in place (and most importantly, adhering to them) you safeguard your brand from being mismanaged by a third party. If you have your branding done but lack brand guidelines they can be created after the fact to give that solid foundation to keep you on track and I recommend you do this. If launching a new brand ensure they are listed in your deliverables. They will hold you in good stead going forward.


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