Opinions are like assholes.

Yes you read that right. Truth is everyone’s got one, but they don’t all matter.

I don’t muck about. #sorrynotsorry about that but to be honest you need to hear this if you’re starting a new business or changing direction with an established one. Shall we continue? Thought so.

The excitement of launching a new venture can be overwhelming and it’s only natural to want to tell EVERYONE about it. That’s great, the more people that know what you are trying to do the better really. However, that can be detrimental when too many people start throwing their opinions at you (and they’ve all got one believe you me)

Be very careful about whose opinions you take on board, it’s much easier to ignore the noise if you have a clear plan for your new business.

  1. What does your business do?

  2. Who is your business for?

  3. Who is your ideal client?

This is a simplified start for key deliverables for your branding. Heck, it doesn’t actually matter that much what you yourself like if it nails all the above and therefore will bring you the results you are after. So avoid the pitfalls of going down the road of asking your mum or your mates about any branding concepts you get and why is that? Their opinions don’t matter because they are not the target market for your business.

Even if they did perhaps some of the indicators you are targeting they are too close to you to give an unbiased opinion. If you are unsure in any way about the direction you are heading first revert back to your key indicators for your business (namely the 3 points above) if it nails the target market that is a really good start. If you must seek feedback make sure it’s from someone who is from your ideal target market. Online surveys are good or a poll if you have a following, speak to people you meet, get a gauge and press on.

Family and friends all have good intentions however they’ll offer advice whether you asked for it or not which can throw you off course.

Ultimately, trust your gut. Block the noise from the outsiders and press on.

Oh, and if you need a helping hand along that branding journey you know who to call ;)


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